- Contact
- 429 Coldharbour Lane
- Paulet Road
- Trent Road
- 4 Valentia Place (2)
- 208 Long Lane
- Weld Works Mews
- 419 Coldharbour
- 362 Coldharbour Lane (2)
- 429 Coldharbour Lane (3)
- 445 Norwood Road
- 4 Valentia Place
- 374 Coldharbour Lane (1)
- 47 Clapham High Street
- 3 Smedley Street
- Appach Road
- Stockwell Park Crescent
- Paulet Road (1)
- 7 Valentia Place
- 45 Acre Lane
- Baytree Road
- Horsford Road (1)
- Stewarts Place
- Report a Repair
- Commercial
- Lexadon secures approval for roof extension at Clifton Mansions
- Planning approval for 41 - 45 Acre Lane
- Permission secured for 55 Union Grove
- Land at Blenheim Gardens
- Nurturing Creative Spaces In The Heart of London - A Success Story in SW2
- Lexadon are very excited to announce the acquirement of Cavendish Police Station
- Lexadon acquire 126-128 Stonnhouse Street
- Lexadon acquire Courland Grove
- Lexadon are very excited to announce the acquirement of Pepys Court, Clapham
- Brixton Hill
- Lexadon acquire 'The Quadrangle'
- 47 Clapham High Street
- Brixton Road
- Pop Brixton
- Acre Lane nearing completion
- The Viaduct
- West Norwood Fire Station
- Clapham Police Station
- Brixton Hill
- Clifton Mansions
- Walton Lodge
- Coldharbour Lane 435/437
- Coldharbour Lane 419 to 423
- Coldharbour Lane 354
- Long Lane
- Weld Works
- Rectory Grove
- Acre Lane
- Gresham Road
- Brixton Road 247
- Tulse Hill
- Brixton Road 152 to 160
- Matlock House
- Clapham road 151
- Normandy Road
- Edgeley Road
- Smedley Street
- Clarence House
- Clapham Road 169
- Brixton Road 340
- Stewarts Place
- Lancaster House
- Brixton Road 357, 359 and 361
- Fentiman Road
- Ferndale Road
- Josephine Avenue
- 55 Union Grove
- Blenheim Gardens
- 126-128 Stonhouse Street
- Courland Grove
- Andulas Road
- Appach Road, 8 and 21
- Bedford Road
- Beechdale Road
- Bellefields Road
- Bonham Road
- Chantrey Road- 3,5, and 12
- Dalyell Road
- Durand Gardens
- Effra Road
- Horsford Road
- Hubert Grove- 15 and 31
- Kildoran Road
- Killyon Road
- Kimberely Road
- Kingswood Road
- Nursery Road
- Palfrey Place
- Paulet Road
- Rattray Road
- Shannon Grove- 1,3 and 8
- 2B Smedley Street
- St Johns Crescent
- Stirling Road
- Stockwell Park Crescent
- Stockwell Park Road
- Stonhouse Street- 134
- Strathleven Road
- The Qaudrangle
- Trent Road
- Wigton Place
- Clapham Highstreet
- 362 Coldharbour Lane
- Valentia Place- B,C and D
- Valentia Place 20,21, 22 and 23
- About Us
- Terms & Conditions
- Privacy Policy